What a Good High School Curriculum Includes

18 September 2023
 Categories: , Blog

High school curriculum planning can be a daunting task for educators, parents and even students. With numerous subjects to teach and an ever-evolving education system, it's challenging to determine what makes up a good high school curriculum. This blog post highlights some of the components of a good high school curriculum to guide educators and parents in planning for their child's education. Core Subjects A well-rounded high school curriculum should include language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Read More 

3 Signs That A High School Curriculum Is Well Designed

5 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

As your children are gearing up to start high school, you may wonder just how well the curriculum is designed. A well-structured curriculum will challenge your child and help them grow academically. Here are three signs that a high school curriculum is well-designed. 1. It is based on the latest research in education The field of education is constantly evolving, and new research is constantly shedding light on how students learn best. Read More 

Two Ways Being At A Child Care Centre Can Help A Child Learn

13 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Here are some of the ways being at a child care centre can help a child learn. The social environment means they get to learn from and with other children One of the reasons why parents who are keen to focus on their children's education send them to child care centres before they begin school is that in this type of social setting, children can gain a lot of knowledge and skills via their interactions with other children. Read More